Happy New Year from Mirandus!

Happy New Year from Mirandus!

Team Mirandus wishes you a prosperous and peaceful 2020!

This is a good time of year to detox after the excessives of Christmas and New Year celebrations but also a great opportunity to detox your finances too, both personally and in your business.

Are you happy with your finances? And if not, what positive changes can you make in 2020?

Whether you want to achieve growth in your small business, start-up a new business or just get a better grip on your cash flow, now is most definitely a good time to step back and reassess. ‘Out with the old, in with the new’, as they say, there is no better time!

Mirandus partner with all our clients providing expert tax and accounting support, with cash flow management sitting firmly in the centre of all activities and interactions.  As a Chartered Tax Advisory practice, we believe we take a smarter, holistic approach to finances versus our peers, whether we are working with a sole trader looking to make use of business tax breaks in their personal finances or a director of a rapidly growing small business who can take advantage of tax breaks  personally within their business structure.  Either way, the winning combination of our tax expertise and holistic approach is immensely effective to help sustain cash flow in those all important first few years of business.

Cash is king; never a truer word said when starting up or growing a small business.

If you do not feel like  you are receiving the accounting and tax expertise for your business or personal affairs you deserve, get in touch; we might be able to help.

We are a proactive and integral part of our clients businesses providing tangible and value added results being readily available to respond, nurture and advise.

Team Mirandus are very much looking forward to the year ahead supporting our clients in each of their unique challenges and celebrating successes alongside them.  We hope that you are excited too to realise your potential and we wish you a very prosperous and peaceful 2020!

Contact us if you are looking for support, we are here to help.

We love tax! Honest...!

We love tax! Honest...!

Small Business Essential Calendar 2020

Small Business Essential Calendar 2020